welcome text.

"TELL ME aND i'LL FoRGET; SHoW Me aND i MaY REMEMBER, iNVoLVE ME aND i'LL uNDERSTaND" -chinese proverb

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

sweet sweet success!

Okay... so i think i am finally getting this whole wix thing, so dont even worry guys! although i will say my one and only complaint is this too large thing, it will not allow me to upload my ppt for my digital scavenger hunt because apparently the file is too large :/ it is oober frustrating. But other than that my e portfolio is complete :) Umm.. i still have a few more things to work on but almost done! So firstly i must admit i am a bit confused on bookmarking. I know how to add things to my favorites and bookmark links or what not, which is why i have the links i go to most on my home page, so what else am i supposed to know how to do. As for my wikis i created an account and put up a post but i didnt know what else to do.lol i will say although these were maybe some of the simplest assignments they gave me the most difficulty.

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